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Replace System Files

It happens some times when some of the windows system files got corrupted with time due to various reasons.If you want to delete a system file in Windows XP you may be able to do it easily just by renaming the system file and just refresh the folder view. After refresh windows XP will create the missing file automatically or otherwise you will need to close and reopen the explorer window for that folder.But In Windows Vista you can delete or replace a system files, even with administrative privileges. The default windows service called TrustedInstaller protects all the system files by default which will keep protecting the system files and prevent it from getting overwritten.Today we will tell you how to replace or delete system files in windows both manually and by using software.Manual Method To Replace System Files (Vista)1. Open command prompt with administrative privileges by typing cmd3. Make sure you are ready with the same system file copied from somewhere else.2. Now take ownership of the system file you want to replace or delete, by typing the following commandtakeown /f C:WindowsSystem32win32k.sysAbove command will give you the ownership of the file, but still you cannot delete or replace it before you type the following command.cacls C:WindowsSystem32win32k.sys /G:FNote: Replace in the above command with your username in vista4. That’s it now you can replace or delete the system file, if you want to replace just rename it and copy the new system file you have.For Example: win32k.sys to win32k.sys.old Easy Method To Replace System Using Replacer ( Win XP )1.

Download the replacer utility form here2. Extract it and run replacer.cmd3. Now drag the system file you want to replace on the replacer command windowEither you are using windows XP or vista at least one of the above method will work for you for sure.

What 'system repair' did you perform?Many people say that SFC has to be run at least three times to give it a good chance of detecting & fixing errors.The errors you reproduce are not all SFC entries other Windows 7 utilities also write to cbs.log.Use Step 1 ofto extract a list of unfixable SFC errors into a SFCDetails.txt file in one of your own folders such as your Desktop. The extraction command can only be run from an Admin Command Prompt You can open anAdmin Command Prompt by entering cmd in the Start menu’s Search box then right-clicking on the cmd.exe shortcut that is offered to you & selectingRun as Admin. Without a great deal of preparatory study & an awful lot of perseverance, it is really not worth trying to work with the full SFC results file CBS.log because it is huge & because SFC is not the only Windows 7 utilitythat writes to it.Post the complete SFCDetails.txt file here.You can I believe that USB is better. An installation disk is also a valuable fault-finding & repair tool.


You should boot from it & use it to run SFC. The syntax changes a bit & you need to check the driveletter that the installation disk temporarily assigns to your hard drive.By the time you have made the disk, I will have collated my notes on how to run SFC from the installation disk.

Just to save me a bit of time & difficult explanations, are you familiar with booting from aSystem repair disk as there are similarities? Try.3 - a user Dell Inspirons 7779, 1545, 9300; Windows 10 Home x64 & Pro x86; Office Pro 2007; HP DJ2540; HTC UPlay Android 6.0, MyPhoneExplorer. Hi Try.3Thanks for your help. I have run SFC multiple times, and created the following details file;create an installation disk on USB, though be aware that it may take a little while for me to download the files on my connection.I don't know how to boot from a system repair disk, but I'm sure it's easily google-able.Can you just confirm that this process probably won't affect my installed programs? I have very expensive scientifc software installed that I won't be able to get hold of again if lost (since I no longer work at a university).- Chris.

Chris,There is absolutely no reason to expect SFC to affect your installed applications. SFC only checks non-configurable protected system files. But 'confirm'? - I have never had a problem with SFC affecting anything else or heard of such a problem in thisforum.I did not want to mislead you by referring to the System repair disk. It would have just saved a lot of explanation about dialogs that you will see.The syntax for running SFC from the installation disk is simple but the means of getting there is new to you so that's why I am being careful. It's not difficult but it's awkward without being able to stand at your shoulder & point as dialogs appear.1 Insert the installation disk.

Remove all other connected drives just to keep things simple. Restart the system.2 When the PC maker's logo appears i.e. Well before the Starting Windows screen appears start pressing repeatedly on the Boot options key which will either be displayed on the screen by the PC maker or else given in the PC manual.

How To Replace System Files In Windows 7

On my Dell, it'sF12 but it varies between PC makers. Select boot from USB.3 After several minutes that can include periods with a blank screen & no apparent activity, wait during the “Starting Windows” screen then, at the firstInstall Windows dialog, select the language the time-currency format & the keyboard. Then click Next.4 At the next Install Windows dialog, select Repair your computer, wait while it searches for windows installations.5 At the System Recovery Options dialog, write down which drive letter it has temporarily assigned to your OS drive this will not affect your drive when it is rebooted normally - it's just a temporary label but you'll want itduring this procedure. If the SFCDetails.txt file is blank then SFC is not detecting any unfixable errors in non-configurable protected system files. The first list that you took from the cbs.log manually was misleading.I have just returned to this thread after being able to work through that very long results file you posted in Dropbox. It also confirms that there were no unfixable errors.As you have already run SFC multiple times, you can conclude that there are no such errors so there is no need to repeat SFC from the installation disk.But you have reported back again while I have been looking at the previous results & writing this offline.

The error messages about 'reproject corrupted file' make me think that SFC from the installation disk would not be a waste of time.I have not seen such entries and have not heard of them so I know nothing about them.You never replied to What 'system repair' did you perform? Was it a 'Startup repair' - that has a specific meaning so please be specific in your response.I do not really want to suggest anything else until I know your answer but it is likely that I will suggest a 'Startup repair'.

Replace Corrupted System Files Windows 7

You will have seen that as one of the other options on theBalaji - Have you seen 'reproject corrupted file' entries in a cbs.log file? Try.3 - a user Dell Inspirons 7779, 1545, 9300; Windows 10 Home x64 & Pro x86; Office Pro 2007; HP DJ2540; HTC UPlay Android 6.0, MyPhoneExplorer.