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Generals Zero Hour Lag Fix

Problem:Everything runs at perfect speed, but every 5 seconds or so, the game totally freezes for about half a second, like as if it's skipping some frames, then goes back to perfect speed again.Observations:-I have GenTool 6.2 installed and I have 'upload mode' turned OFF and FPS Limit is also OFF, but It was doing this before I installed GenTool.-Every other C&C game that was made before and after Generals/ZH runs perfectly fine on the highest settings and highest resolutions. I even have StarCraft 2 - WoL running on the HIGH setting and 1920x1080 reso without any choppiness or lag.-This happens in single-player mode in both campaigns and skirmish. I haven't tried online multiplayer yet.-The intro too gets choppy, but if I watch it for a while then restart my game, basically whatever I've just watched won't be choppy anymore. Weird, it's like as if whatever I've watched stays in the memory or something. Oooh nice PC! That must mean ur rich!I'll tell u the answer to ur problem for $20 ^^I'm not rich but if there was a guarantee that you could fix it, I WILL give you $20! You know what, that's not a bad idea, since I've posted this in several other forums and nobody can give me an answer regarding SINGLE player, I'll give $20 to whoever can fix this problem!Oh, another thing I forgot to mention in my first post which I'll add now; the intro too gets choppy, but if I watch it for a while then restart my game, basically whatever I've just watched won't be choppy anymore.


Weird, it's like as if whatever I've watched stays in the memory or something. Too bad this doesn't work anywhere else in the game. Skype sometimes causes lags like that, if u have skype open, close it. This goes for anything like weird anti-viruses/ programs of the such.

Try ctrl + alt + deleting, and removing any processes ur not sure about. I've heard of people with quite good PCs getting bad ZH performance because of skype in particular, but other programs could be the problem.try that its all I got. Until my greedy taste for money overpowers me!)xezon stop being hitler-like! ^^ I am able to help! Maybe not answer his problem, but i'm here to help! And i'm certainly not a creature! (apart from my big green goblin ears, scaly body and wings of course).

Skype sometimes causes lags like that, if u have skype open, close it. This goes for anything like weird anti-viruses/ programs of the such. Try ctrl + alt + deleting, and removing any processes ur not sure about. I've heard of people with quite good PCs getting bad ZH performance because of skype in particular, but other programs could be the problem.I don't use Skype or any other similar programs anymore. There are other things that I've tried that I forgot to list in my first post such as:-ended unnecessary processes in Task Manager-set generals.exe's priority to High-set generals.exe's priority to Realtime-shut down my PC for over an hour to let it cool down (not that it needs to because it has 4 fans in it, plus the case is always opened, and if did overheat, it'll automatically shut itself down)-closed both anti-virus programs (Norton and Windows Defender)Speaking of my case always being opened, it's kinda looking a little dusty inside, I'll give it a quick vacuum. Can you launch ZH in windowed mode 800x600, turn off FPS limit and start a network match with just yourself?

Generals Zero Hour Lag Fix

What is your FPS count? Windowed mode, 800x600 resolution:.intro - choppy upon first load but stable at 32fps after restart.ingame (network vs AI) - between 100fps - 327fps!Windowed mode, 1920x1080 resolution:.intro - (same as above).ingame (network vs AI) - between 100fps - 420fps!!!I then played by myself WITHOUT the AI (sandbox mode) and I still got the same results as above.So besides the fps, the game behaved exactly like it would in full screen mode. But I'm guessing the fps values in windowed mode aren't very accurate. Also, while the gameplay speed felt the same as full screen, scrolling around the screen was a LOT faster, almost unplayable.EDIT: How do you search this forum??? I found another post regarding the same issue, but only because it was on the first page of the support section:. Your advise in this post was to reinstall Windows, which is way too much time and effort just for one gameThis post has been edited by WarToys: Jul 11 2013, 09:58 AM.

Windowed mode, 800x600 resolution:.intro - choppy upon first load but stable at 32fps after restart.ingame (network vs AI) - between 100fps - 327fps!Windowed mode, 1920x1080 resolution:.intro - (same as above).ingame (network vs AI) - between 100fps - 420fps!!!I then played by myself WITHOUT the AI (sandbox mode) and I still got the same results as above.So besides the fps, the game behaved exactly like it would in full screen mode. But I'm guessing the fps values in windowed mode aren't very accurate. Also, while the gameplay speed felt the same as full screen, scrolling around the screen was a LOT faster, almost unplayable.EDIT: How do you search this forum??? I found another post regarding the same issue, but only because it was on the first page of the support section:. Your advise in this post was to reinstall Windows, which is way too much time and effort just for one gameYou say 100-400 fps does that mean no stalls at all?To smoothen the frame rate and adjust scroll speed you use the GenTool options 'FPS Limit' and 'Scroll speed'. You say 100-400 fps does that mean no stalls at all?To smoothen the frame rate and adjust scroll speed you use the GenTool options 'FPS Limit' and 'Scroll speed'.Sadly no, the fps still drops every few seconds.

I've already tried playing around with the fps limit feature and tested all the options from 60Hz (which is my monitor's refresh rate) to 480fps. The scroll speed adjuster works great though. But that said, setting the fps limit to 60Hz puts the fps speed at the top-left of the screen back to 60-61, every few seconds anyway, then it drops again like usual.As soon as I get a chance, I'll make some screen recordings and upload them to my YouTube channel to show you exactly what happens.